Optimize your portfolio of projects for maximum success! At its best, project management helps projects get done right — but project portfolio management makes sure the right projects get done in the first place. This practical, interactive seminar focuses on the key functions of portfolio management, and offers a broader range of best practices, including evaluation and prioritization of projects, resource allocation, portfolio balancing and ongoing management.
Course Benefit
Cut project costs up to 25% while achieving 90% project success rates
Identify the project portfolio structure and decision making processes
Assess, select and prioritize projects for an effective, balanced portfolio
Apply techniques to measure project portfolio effectiveness
Acquire processes and tools for allocating resources across the portfolio
Reduce redundant projects and kill nonviable projects
Manage change in a dynamic project portfolio
Develop a portfolio management implementation plan
Who Should Attend?
Executives, leaders, managers, and all those managing projects, programs and portfolios on a strategic level. Formal project management training is required.
What You Will Learn
Definition and benefits of project portfolio management
Roles and responsibilities
Differentiating between regulatory, discretionary and mandatory projects
Changing control processes
Identifying and prioritizing strategic objectives
Creating criteria and weighing factors to evaluate projects and programs
Financial analysis and risk
The Theory of Constraints and how it applies to projects
Balancing the protfolio
Monitoring and controling of projects and programs
Implementing a portfolio management system
Jadwal Pelatihan Transindo Tahun 2023 :
- Batch 1 : 14 – 16 Februari 2023
- Batch 2 : 15 – 17 Mei 2023
- Batch 3 : 14 – 16 Agustus 2023
- Batch 4 : 7 – 9 November 2023
Catatan : Jadwal tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta pelatihan.
Investasi dan Lokasi pelatihan:
- Yogyakarta, Hotel Neo Malioboro (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
- Jakarta, Hotel Amaris Tendean (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
- Bandung, Hotel Neo Dipatiukur (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
- Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta(7.500.000 IDR / participant)
- Surabaya, Hotel Amaris, Ibis Style (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
- Lombok, Sentosa Resort (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
Catatan : Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.
Fasilitas :
- FREE Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara/Stasiun/Terminal)
- FREE Akomodasi Peserta ke tempat pelatihan .
- Module / Handout
- FREE Flashdisk
- Sertifikat
- FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training)
- Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)
- 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner
- FREE Souvenir Exclusive
- Training room full AC and Multimedia