1. Octine Riyanti
Conducting Qualitative and Quantitative Survey, as well as Analyzing and Researching Social Behavior, Designing Performance Management System, Salary Structure, DISC Personality Test, Designing & Conducting Training; Finger Print Analysis. Master in Psychology, Majoring in Human Resource; Organization at Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.
2. Rully Muliarto
Konsultan Pengusaha Developer Se-Jabodetabek, Trainer Property Plus Indonesia, Direktur Program 1 Juta Rumah untuk Rakyat kerja sama BNI Syariah dan Property Plus Indonesia , Direktur PT Properti Netplus Indonesia , Direktur PT Netpro Solusi Indonesia , Direktur PT Cipta Buana Utama (Daun Production), Direktur PT Citra Promotama Mandiri (Kids Magz)
3. Syahrizal Wargakusuma
An accomplished, energetic, personable and result-oriented marketing and bussines / product development professional with 20 years proven experiences and performances in both mature and start up corporate environment in Indonesia and background consists of progressive career advancement in leadership roles with demonstrated success in all facets of marketing/ product development / management / product strategy / strategic alliance and culturally diverse environments.
4. Siska Widya Eswara
- SA 8000 by Social Accountability Accreditation Services
- WRAP by Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production
- BSCI by Business Social Compliance Initiative
- SMETA by Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit
5. Armansyah
Praktisi Akuntan dan Yayasan Non Profit yang sudah cukup banyak mengisi pelatihan dan pengalaman mengelola dana CSR maupun PKBL serta auditor senior. Anggota Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia.
6. Agus Mulyana
Pengajar Instrumental & Electrical. Praktisi AC yang sudah berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun, menjabat sekertariat ASISI Banten, pengelola Koperasi Praktisi Pendingin Indonesia.
Dan 500 Pengajar lainnya yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.